Thursday, April 27, 2006


Rachel's Prayer by Leisha Kelly

Readers who are familiar with the Hammond / Wortham Family saga will be delighted in this latest addition from Leisha Kelly. Ms. Kelly shines a light of hope for those dealing with challenging and difficult circumstances.

Robert Wortham, along with Kirk, Willy and Joe Hammond, have signed up for service during World War II. Both families are proud of their boys' willingness to fight for their country. Though, as the war wages on, they find that it will take a tremendous amount of faith to wait it out.

A letter from Robert provides a lifeline as it contains a prayer written by his girlfriend, Rachel. As his family prays RACHEL'S PRAYER, they find the strength needed to trust God for His best.

Through hardships and trials, the Hammonds and Worthams come to discover the true value of friendship and family. It is this realization, along with a strong faith in God, which gets them through to the end.

Rated: C

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