A Woman's Place by Lynn Austin
When I first picked up this book, I didn't expect to like it because it's set during war times, and I don't usually care for those stories.
But, Ms. Austin has a way of writing that draws you deeper & deeper into the story and doesn't let you go until the end! So I found myself devouring this book, not wanting to put it down!
Ginny, Rosa, Helen, and Jean all lead normal lives until the start of World War II. Then each of the women feel compelled to do their part for the war by signing up to work as electricians at Stockton Shipyard. Over time, working together brings the four women closer as they share their joys & sorrows.
Ms. Austin used each chapter to focus on one of the four women, telling the story from each one's perspective.
The only problem I had with the book was that some parts of the story seemed unrealistic or rushed (ex. relationships healed/ended too quickly; arguements being, or not being, resolved realistically; etc).
But, I really enjoyed how Ms. Austin weaved Christian truths all throughout the book. And, I found that there were things about each of the four women that I could really relate to ~ things that reminded me of my own life.
Overall, it was a very enjoyable read that I will be happy to recommend to others.
Rated: B+